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Thursday, April 26, 2012

child seat restraints safety in auto accidents

when performing an initial intake with a patient that has been involved in a rear end whiplash injury and when asked if there was any one else injured in the car when I hear the response " only my child but they were in a child seat in the back and they're OK" I just scratch my head at that logic. A child seat is a 4 point restraint, much like a NASCAR or racing car would have. That means that the buckle point meets in the middle , restraining both shoulders and hips as opposed to an adult belt that secures at the shoulder and one hip. The significance of this is that while on a 4 point seat the body is secure the head is not and in a rear end collision a child's head is free to move causing injury to undeveloped muscles and ligaments that are inherently weak at that age. As a child is not usually able to articulate at a young age how they feel, after the initial crying is over the parent assumes all is O.K. when in fact there may be extensive soft tissue injury that left untreated may be a health issue later on. Most significant residual whiplash symptoms I have seen in my practice are frequent bouts of TORTICOLLIS (painful restriction of the neck) unusually frequent complaints of HEADACHES, fatigue and unusual restriction of motion of the neck or low back. It is very important to have your child examined by your chiropractor after an accident as we are able to assess soft tissue injuries and treat accordingly...chiropractic care for a child can never start to early and whats good for you is good for your child. For more info or questions on how we can help you or your child with whiplash/ auto accident treatment go to or and link to our questions tab.