Chiropractic Myths

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chiropractic Testimonial #2

"I am 86 years old. After I had broken my hip and had surgery, the pain in my back and side became very severe. The surgeon said I'd either have to repeat the surgery or rely on pain pills. A M.D. thought exercise would help. She sent me to a physical therapist. After several months I was given a series of exercises to practice. They got so painful; I had to stop doing them.

Then, my daughter took me to her chiropractor. He X-Rayed my back and told me I could be helped. He didn't know how long it would take, but if I was willing to try, he could help me. The pain was so severe; I could hardly get out of bed in the morning or up from a chair.

I am a victim of the disease, neurofibromatosis. I have curvature of the spine and unsightly nerve tumors all over my body. Chiropractic treatments have relieved my pain and reduced the tumors.

I started with 2 visits a week adn will soon need to come in only once a month. I wish I had started chiropractic care much sooner. I really was ready to give up. Now, I am a new man." Ted- Seattle, WA

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