Chiropractic Myths

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Chiropractic Myth vs. Reality

Drum roll please...If I go to a Chiropractor for care I have to go (ADDICTED) for the rest of my life!!!
If I had a buck for every time I've heard that Bill Gates and I would be neighbors. The reality is , no, you wont have to see me forever. In fact, the average # of visits for routine spinal diagnosis is 6 (SIX) visits!!!What does occur (and this is why I have such a large wellness care practice) is that well informed patients who want their body to work at it's highest level ask ME if they can come back and get adjusted once in a while because they feel so good for so long after their treatment due to their NERVOUS SYSTEM now working optimally, and lets face it your body is just one long nerve that craves to work at it best, muck like a car after a tune up!!

Check back in a few days for MYTH # 2!!!

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