Chiropractic Myths

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Sports Whiplash

The common thought regarding whiplash pain is that it occurs only after an auto accident. This is Dr. Bruce Blakely, D.C. clinic director of Mission Village Chiropractic where we specialize in post whiplash accident pain, and other types of accident pain also. Some of those pain symptoms arise from sports, like boxing. If you can imagine the impact absorbed by a punch to the head or neck is said to be equivalent to two 30 mph auto accidents. When I was active treating pro rodeo riders for WANGLER SPORTS the whipping motion of a bare back rider was both harsh and repeatitive and almost always resulted in life time chiropractic patients due to the neck and shoulder pain, stiffness and early arthritis. Motocross neck pain is very common, however with the advent of new technology including helmet roll braces severe neck injuries are reduced, but still prevelant. So whether it be an auto whiplash or sports injury whiplash call us or a chiropractor close to home for treatment and evaluation for future disability. 

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